Groce United Methodist Church
Asheville, North Carolina

They shall have music wherever they go!
All About Us!
We have a dynamic and varied musical ministry. Our worship services include a blended style of music, including brass, classical, contemporary, ethnic, gospel and spirituals. In addition to offering music in worship, our choirs and musicians have special programs such as community concerts and music groups at our Welcome Table.
There are two choirs in which you can participate – Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir. Vocal and instrumental soloists are always welcome to share their talents in worship. Contact Music Director Joel Matthews (musicdirector@groceumc.org) to schedule your music and worship date.
We also are happy to feature special visiting musical groups on occasion. If you’d like to be a part of any of these choirs or offer music in worship, please contact Joel at musicdirector@groceumc.org.
The music programs help fulfill Groce UMC’s mission of building the family of God through praising God, bringing others to Christ, teaching the faith, strengthening the fellowship, and sending forth in service.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir leads congregational singing at worship, including an anthem most Sundays. Rehearsals are held weekly on Wednesday evenings, 6:00pm to 7:30pm.